Art teachers need to organize their rooms unless they want to live in chaos - it's just the way it is. You have a school classroom that houses paint, clay, markers (often permanent), box cutters, paper, glue, need I go on?
If it's not organized, it's going to be a messy, stainy war zone! A few pointers: 1- store your materials by activity For example drawing materials- pencils, erasers, sharpeners, charcoal, pastels, any mark making materials used on paper should be stored together. All the paint should be together stored with the paint brushes. It makes life more logical for everyone. Students can then get what they need and you do not have to be wait staff 😉. 2- Have 2 stacks of pre cut paper - A4 and A3. 3- Have an accessible box of usable scrap paper - for quick sketches, mixing or test sheets, etc.. 4- Cubby holes that are clearly marked to store sketchbooks, clearly label them by grade level and class. 5. Make containers, collect containers, put the materials like cutting knives, colouring pencils, erasers, in labelled containers. Have the containers out at the beginning of class, we have a materials table where we put out what we are using that day. Curriculum! 6- I make a mood board for every unit! It includes art that we looked at, the rubric that we are using and the statement of inquiry and the inquiry questions- this is what keeps us all organized!