Grade 12 - China 2020-2021
DP 1 art about distortions. This student did not do visual arts in middle school. He was having difficulty developing work until we decided to use the photocopier and distort his drawings by blowing them up and altering the tone and adding colour.
DP 2 art work about `Owning your face` prompted by the TEd Talk:
Isabella DP2 HLClick
the work
the process portfoilo
Self-Identity as a concept: DP 1
Prompted by the idea that all artists create self-portraits students were asked to use a self-portrait to experiment with material and techniques.
The DP program is an exciting journey. Through silk screen, paint, clay sculpture, paper sculpture, assemblage, drawing, mixed media and digital media, students express themselves using visual language. I take a constructivist approach to teaching where the teacher is a guide and mentor, not prescriptive and limiting. Students express their own thoughts using mediums that speak to them. I am there to help them find their way.
Please click on the image to see it in full size.